The reason why we can spell 'McDonalds' when we are fully intoxicated on hard liquor and can barely remember our wife's last name is because we have been consumers and have been targeted by major fast food chains and toy makers since we first opened our eyes and developed our ability to hear.
Many major companies have marketing plans targeted a children. Some terms have been developed by marketers such as, "pester factor", and "nudge power" aimed at influencing children to bug and nag their parents to buy.
In his book, Kids as Customers: A Handbook of Marketing to Children
- Pleading
- Persistent
- Forceful
- Demonstrative
- Sugarcoated
- Threatening, and
- Pity
Subliminal messaging has played a major part in movies. Consumer staple producers and consumer electronics manufacturers are often seen as sponsors in major blockbusters. For example, GMC, the SUV maker brought its' brand name to another level by having the characters in the 2007 movie, Transformers transform into GMC branded vehicles. One of the most successful companies in movie advertising is Apple Computers. If you notice, most major Hollywood films have their actors use an Apple Powerbook, or the Mac. Apple is so successful with their branding that the Apple logo is now synonymous to the Information Age lifestyle.